Distance learning institute have extended the sales of this session form,the institute have decided not to conduct an entrance exam for this session,but that doesn’t mean you will not make adequate preparation,some of you must have left school six years or five years ago,you don’t expect the brain to retain what you have done since secondary school,there is an adage that says if you leave book,book will leave you,so it is very advisable for you to wake up the brain,but how can that be done,we have past question and answers with detailed explanation,and we also have tutorials on campus that prepares you for the dli programme. You can call us on our help lines, for guidance and support,the dli form is still sold for 18,000 while the school fees is 120,000. We will assist you in pursuing your desired course in unilag that is why we are called admission guaranteed.
You can contact us on 07053125807, 07085881362