Hello every one,today I have decided to make a post on a very controversial question often asked by Unilag Postgraduate aspirant.
For those of you that are new, the Unilag Postgraduate application form is already out,and it has been out since a month ago,which will be ending July 30th.
The form is sold for 22,500 inclusive of bank charge.
We also have the current Past questions and answers,call 07053125807 for the PQ.
Now back to the main topic of discussion,like I said a lot of aspirant often ask the difference between a Professional Masters and Academic Masters.
Professional Masters is a terminal degree while Academic Masters is a step towards a PhD.
It depends on what you want to do afterwards. If you intend to leave the university environment completely and work in the industry then go for Professional Masters. If you intend to continue in the university/academic environment, doing research and things like that then go for Academic Masters.
Academic Masters
The master of arts (M.A.) and master of science (M.S.) degrees are usually awarded in the traditional arts, sciences, and humanities disciplines. The M.S. is also awarded in technical fields such as engineering and agriculture. Original research, research methodology, and field investigation are emphasized. These programs usually require the completion of between 30 and 60 credit hours and could reasonably be completed in one or two academic years of full-time study. They may lead directly to the doctoral level.
Many master’s programs offer a thesis and a non-thesis option. The degree is the same in both cases, but the academic requirements are slightly different. Students in non-thesis programs usually take more coursework in place of researching and writing a thesis, and they take a written comprehensive examination after all coursework is completed. Students in degree programs that include a thesis component generally take a comprehensive examination that is an oral exam covering both coursework and their thesis.
Professional Masters
These degree programs are designed to lead the student from the first degree to a particular profession. Professional master’s degrees are most often “terminal” master’s programs, meaning that they do not lead to doctoral programs. Such master’s degrees are often designated by specific descriptive titles, such as master of business administration (M.B.A.), master of social work (M.S.W.), master of education (M.Ed.), or master of fine arts (M.F.A.). Other subjects of professional master’s programs include journalism, international relations, architecture, and urban planning. Professional master’s degrees are oriented more toward direct application of knowledge than toward original research. They are more structured than academic degree programs, and often require that every student take a similar or identical program of study that lasts from one to three years, depending on the institution and the field of study.
Professional degree programs usually require completion of between 36 and 48 units (one to two years of full-time study), and usually do not offer a thesis option. They do not always require that the bachelor’s degree be in a specific field, but they may recommend a certain amount of prior study or coursework in the subject area.
Difference between a Professional Masters programme and Academic masters programme
One major difference between the two is that to run the professional masters you do not need a very high B.Sc grade,with just a pass you can run it.
While the Academic Masters needs more than a pass to be able to qualify for the programme.
Professional masters doesn’t allow for continuation of academic pursuit.
While Academic masters allows continuation of academic pursuit.
Most professional masters are usually par-time.
While Academic masters are usually full-time.
Professional Masters are more expensive than an Academic Masters.
Professional masters can not be used for lecturing.
While Academic masters can be used for lecturing.
Professional masters programme duration is longer.
The full-time : 1 year six month
The par-time : 2 years
While the Academic Masters programme duration is usually shorter.
The full-time: 1 year
The Par-time: 2 years
Below is a list of available Unilag Masters programmes.
Master of Applied Geophysics (MAG) (Part-Time)
Master of Aquatic Resource & Pollution Management (MARPM) (Part-Time)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Full-Time Part-Time and Executive)
Master of Conflict Management (Part-Time)
Master of Criminology (M.Criminology) (Full -Time and Part-Time)
Master of Development Finance (MDF) (Part-Time)
Master in Diplomacy and Strategic Studies (MDSS) (Part- Time)
Master of Disaster Management (MDM) (Part- Time)
Master of Dispute Resolution (Part-Time)
Master of Employment and Labour Studies (MELS), (Full Time & Part Time)
Master of Engineering Systems Management (Part-Time)
Master of Environmental Design
Master of Environmental Management (M.E.M.) (Part-Time)
Master of Facilities Management (MFM) (Part-Time)
Master of Geographic Information System (MGIS) Part-Time
Master of Geoinformatics Information Technology (MGIT) (Full-Time/Part-Time)
Master of Housing and Development management
Master of Industrial and Labour Relations (MILR) (Part-Time)
Master of Information Technology (M.I.T.) (Part-Time)
Master of International Law and Diplomacy (MILD) (Part-Time)
Master of International Relations & Strategic Studies (MISS)
Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) (Part-Time)
Master of Laws (LL.M) (Full Time/Part Time)
Master of Legal Studies (Part-Time)
Master of Managerial Psychology (MMP) (Part-Time)
Master of Natural Resources Management (MNRM) (Part-Time)
Master of Process Engineering (MPE) (Part-Time)
Master of Professional Ethics (MPE) (Part-Time)
Master of Project Management (MPM) (Part-Time)
Master of Public Administration (MPA) (Part-Time)
Master of Public Health (MPH) (Full-Time)
Master of Public and International Affairs (MPIA)
Master of Research and Public Policy
Master of Risk Management (MRM) Part-Time
Master of Security and Intelligence Studies
Master in Teaching of French as a Foreign Language (MTFFL) (Part-Time)
Masters in Transportation Planning and Management (MTP&M) (Part Time)
Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP)
If the programme you intend applying for is not here,please do well to put a call across to me for updates.
If there is any information you wish to ask that is not posted here please feel free to call or whatsapp our number on 07053125807, if our numbers are switched off you can as well send a text or you can drop your question on the comment section I will sure do well to reply you.
For more information and admission assistance call 07053125807/07085881362
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