At last every activities in Unilag have finally been shut down, non academic staff finally joined the strike, I was at Unilag diploma/foundation office only to get there and saw the entrance gate locked,when I asked one of the securities there what the situation is,he told me that foundation programme are on strike,meaning no lectures for them until further notice, I was also at the Distance learning Institute (DLI) but was also told that they will be shutting down tomorrow,it goes as far as even affecting those working in the cybercafe,they were being told not to open also until further notice, as for the third batch for dli aspirants,we can’t say when the names will be released,but hopefully this week.
Postgraduate/Masters is not also left out, infact they were suppose to write their entrance exam mid September, but due to the strike they also were not able to do so,to the extent that the sales of postgraduate form is still on,which is suppose to have close 30th of August.
Post utme aspirants is not also left out, even the site to submit the post utme form is also bad, if this continues I doubt if there will even be any post utme exam for now.
We just pray the strike don’t get to next year,if not so many disorganisation of activities will occur.that was what happened last four years,it really crippled the activities on campus,to the extent that students were been rush to do their exams, because the school want to meet up with the academic calender,this a very good reason for us to start reading,post utme students can now read their past question and other relevant materials, while Dli par-time students should seize the opportunity to read their modules or text books, Postgraduate aspirants should also apply wisdom now and start studying the past questions, if you have not purchase the past question,kindly call 08076769927.