This is really heartwarming to those who are yet to purchase the form,Unilag has decided to give you another opportunity to purchase it’s 2018 postgraduate application form.
The form was scheduled to end sales 31st of August but now extended to september 30th while the entrance exam will commence second week of October, the question now is how prepared are you for the entrance exam?
For those that will be needing our assistance we have made provisions for you all,we have the past questions for area of concentration and we also anchor a tutorial class for all department, our aim is to make sure you get a guaranteed Admission.
Past questions are sold for 3000 soft copy while 4000 for the hard copy
To get a copy of the past questions put a call or WhatsApp message across to 07053125807 we will swiftly reply you.
The form is still sold for 22,500 we also assist with the purchase and Registeration process of the application form.
We also make provision for those who live far away from Lagos or who too engage with their work, we will assist you in the purchase and registeration process in respective of where you are.
We also have a WhatsApp group chat where we update you and solve issues pertaining to unilag postgraduate.
Why don’t you pick up your phone give us a call so that we can discuss your next line of action.
If there is any information you wish to ask that is not posted here please feel free to call or whatsapp our number 07053125807 or you can drop your questions on the comment section I will sure do well to reply you.
For further inquiries and admission assistance call 07053125807/07085881362
And most especially don’t forget to click on the subscription button to get all updates sent directly to your mail.