Share This: Are you an aspirant of Unilag that wants to get admitted into the postgraduate programme? If yes then i want to let you know that there will surely be a form of selection process which is called entrance exam. do you know why there will be an entrance exam before you can be […]
Category: Tutorials & Past Questions
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2020/2021 Unilag All Masters/Postgraduate Entrance Examination Pass to Be ready By March 7th-8th
Share This: As we all are aware that the entrance exam will be done online,now the question is when will the exam pass be ready? The Examination pass will be ready on or before 7th & 8th of March,examination pass is what you take to the examination ground to allow you access to the examination […]
2020 Unilag Postgraduate/Masters Updated Past Questions And Answers For All Departments
Share This: If you are a Unilag aspirant that wants to get admitted into their postgraduate programme,i want to let you know that there will surely be a form of selection process which is called entrance exam. do you know why there is will be an entrance exam before you can be admitted?it is because […]
2020/2021 Unilag Diploma/Foundation/Jupeb Admission Form Is Finally Out, check Where &How to Purchase
Share This: It is with great pleasure that the school of foundation programme wish to announce the sales of 2020/2021 Unilag diploma/ foundation /Jupeb Application form. Like I told you all that I will make sure you all receive all the current and right updates from Unilag Admission guaranteed. The form is finally out on […]
2020/2021 Unilag Postgraduate Application Form to End Sales on August 14th
Share This: As we are all aware that the Unilag Postgraduate Application form is still on sale and it is sold for a whooping amount of 23000 which can be paid either online or through the banks inside Unilag. When the Unilag postgraduate sales of form date was announced by the school authority, the closing […]
Where To Purchase Unilag Diploma/Jupeb/Foundation Entrance Exam Pastquestions.
Share This: Candidates sitting for the forthcoming Unilag School of Foundation Studies (Foundation Programme) entrance examinations will write a 60 minute test of 85 questions. Candidates will be tested in English Language (20 questions), Mathematics (20 questions) and three other subjects relevant to the candidate’s choice course (15 questions each). The tested and trusted method […]
2019/2020 Unilag Postgraduate/Masters Updated Past Questions And Answers For All Departments
Share This: If you are a Unilag aspirant that wants to get admitted into their postgraduate programme,i want to let you know that there will surely be a form of selection process which is called entrance exam. do you know why there is will be an entrance exam before you can be admitted?it is because […]
List of Unilag Diploma/Foundation Jupeb Courses and Their Subject Combinations
Share This: Unilag Diploma programme is a programme that allows you to get admitted into Unilag without writing JAMB and going through the unnecessary stress of post-utme,the programme is carried out for just 8 months after which successful candidates will be given admission to 200 level to study any of their desired course. The form […]
Unilag Postgraduate Weekend Tutorial Classes For Exam Revision
Share This: Are you in dire need of an admission in Unilag to study any postgraduate Programme? Then do you also have phobia for exam? If your answers to the two questions are yes,then know that you already at the right place. Every year Unilag sells their postgraduate form for over 20,000 people, the question […]
Share This: If there is one thing I always advice candidates opting for Unilag is to make early preparations, because early preparations makes you stay ahead, and keeps you in form. Last year post-utme was not that easy for candidates who started their preparations late, because by then the wise ones have already began their […]