The Unilag postgraduate application form is still on sale,what are you waiting for, are you still contemplating on what course to go for, the Post graduate programme is another Academical step to take,so it will be wise for you to make up you mind at once,how long do you want to be a B.S.c holder or HND holder? It is time to step up the game and follow the latest trend,very soon B.S.c will not be recognize that much again.
There are so many courses you can choose from,we have the complete hand book so as for you to go through and make the best choice, we will also assist you in making decisions that will be of benefit to you.
Do you know that all applicants are expected to write an entrance exam? But do not worry for we have your back, we have the current and updated past questions, apart from that we also have the postgraduate whatsapp group where we reason together and share ideas, we will also update you on the group,to be part of the group just send a text message or whatsapp message to the following number 07053125807.
If there is any information you wish to ask that is not posted here please feel free to call our number 07053125807 or you can drop your question on the comment section I will sure do well to reply you.
For more information and admission assistance call 07053125807/07085881362